by Helen Tansey at The T-Room
Senators’ Schumer, McConnell and Tillis came out yesterday, following Tucker Carlson’s explosive footage of the supposed January 6 ‘insurrection’ protests hidden by congressional leadership for two-years, demanding Fox News cease Carlson’s reporting that debunked the House J6 Investigation in its entirety.
The only reason these politicians came out and showed themselves for what they are – LIARS – is because the veil of their chutzpa is finally being lifted and confronted by Americans who want the damned truth.
The true facts surrounding January 6th will never be found in the cover-up job the J6 committee sold to a gullible public. The true facts will only be found by an investigation that omits any scent of politics. And such an investigation, at a minimum must call as their first witness then U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.
Did you know the J6 investigative committee didn’t even call Sund in to testify? How can anyone honestly consider this committee did anything truthful when they didn’t even have the guy who was in charge of the security for the entire U.S. Capitol complex that day to answer any questions about the breakdown of public safety? Honestly, how does one make sense of this? Sund surely can’t.
This a man with a long record in law enforcement. He’s a man to be taken seriously:
Sund was a member of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia for more than 25 years before retiring in 2015.[1] He was “widely respected in the District and among leaders of U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Park Police” and other law enforcement agencies.[2]
During his career, Sund coordinated a number of National Special Security Events by the Department of Homeland Security, including the presidential inaugurations of 2001, 2005, 2009, and 2013.[3] Sund was part of operations responding to the 2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting, the 2012 shooting at the Family Research Council, and the 2013 Washington Navy Yard shooting.[3] In addition, as Commander of the Special Operations Division he handled dozens of criminal barricades with a record of zero fatalities.[1][clarification needed]
Sund authored many of the special events manuals for the District of Columbia and helped shape the Department of Homeland Security‘s National Response Framework. He also has instructed the U.S. Secret Service in major events planning and has taught Incident Command System as an adjunct professor at the George Washington University.[4]
Sund retired from the D.C. Metropolitan police force as Commander (Deputy Chief) of the Special Operations Division.[1] Thereafter he worked for Noblis as the Director of Business Development for National Security and Intelligence.[1][5] — Wikipedia
He became the Chief of the U.S. Capitol Police in 2019 and resigned January 8, 2020. On what grounds is a mystery because the man did everything he could to secure the National Guard days before the 6th.
Add to this cover-up Capitol Police Lt Tarik Johnson explaining to Carlson the Capitol Police were blindsided due to intelligence being withheld by assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations Yogananda Pittman. Carlson states she “kept vital information about the protests from frontline officers like him.”
Why were neither Sund nor Johnson ever brought into testify before the J6 investigative committee?
There is something very troubling about all of this. Why the cover-up? Seems Pelosi and McConnell are hiding their true intent behind their denial to bring in the National Guard that day. Pelosi is on the record for using the excuse of “optics” while McConnell has been stone-cold silent. These two need to be the second and third individuals called into testify before a true investigative committee, if not a courtroom…