by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. at the Defender
Two new studies on the effectiveness of mask mandates and city-level COVID-19 vaccine mandates concluded the policies failed to achieve their promised objectives.
Researchers found city-level vaccine mandates to have, at most, a negligible effect on vaccination rates, while conversely having a negative effect on cities’ economies.
Commenting on the study, California attorney Rita Barnett told The Defender:
“Shutting people out of society or denying them employment for refusing to take a medical treatment they do not want, need or trust violates all fundamental ethical principles — and local businesses and leaders who went along with these measures may suffer the consequences for many years to come.”
In the case of mask mandates, researchers who conducted a meta-analysis found they had no significant impact on curtailing the spread of COVID-19 — regardless of the type of mask studied.
Sujata Gibson, a lawyer and lead counsel on multiple lawsuits brought by New York City workers impacted by COVID-19 mandates said the study “shows conclusively that municipal COVID-19 vaccine mandates were a bust.”
Gibson, who said the findings should “come as no surprise,” added:…
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