by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
In order to present an accurate record of events, it is important to remain focused on specifics. During the period from May, 2017, through April of 2019, Main Justice in Washington DC was split into two divisions.
In one division there was the Special Counsel Robert Mueller team in control of everything related to DOJ and FBI activity around the 2016 election, with emphasis on the Trump-Russia headlines. This division handled 100% of everything that was sucking up the oxygen in Washington DC. Andrew Weissmann was in charge of this division.
In the second division, there was everything else the DOJ was doing, which is to say not much. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was heading this division.
The liaison between both divisions was Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, who generally didn’t know what was going on inside the Mueller/Weissmann operation; but, as he later testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee [June 2020 link], Rosenstein had the job of signing off and authorizing everything Weissmann et al were doing. Rosenstein authorized every request and not a single ‘ask’ from the Mueller team was ever denied – including expanding the scope of the Mueller investigation, twice.
Why does this matter?…
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